Luna Sandals Moved To

All Luna Sandals

Designed for those born to run

Luna Sandals were born from the result of Christopher McDougall's Book "Born To Run". The main character in the book is a guy called "Barefoot Ted" who is one of the founders of Luna Sandals.  Ted was one of a number of athletes on an invited trip to the Copper Canyons in Mexico to run a hardcore, ultra distance, off road trail race against the local tribe of Tarahumara Indians who basically ran in flip flops (Huaraches Sandal).  

One of the Tribe, Manuel Luna, showed Ted how to make the "huaraches sandal" from a used truck tyre and some leather strapping. Luna Sandals was born and the rest is history.

There is a sandal in the extensive range to cover all types of activity from road running to ultra hiking and tree climbing.  All Luna Sandals have the ability to do many tasks and in their range you are guaranteed to find one which will suit your purpose

Anyone who doubts their ability to run efficiently in a sandal should think again. This is where you will find total foot freedom, along with a naturally moulded platform to lay down on the ground, each time you place your feet down, offering just the right amount of protection without any interference to your natural bio-mechanics.

Luna Sandals UK Has Merged With Footworks Running

We have merged this Luna Sandals shop with our Footworks Running shop. You can buy the same great Luna Sandals at;