Luna Sandals Moved To

Anja Goetzinger

Where are you from: Northbend, WA

Currently Live: Spokane, WA

Activities you do in LUNAs: Everything! From a night on the town to Christmas shopping, from climbing trees at the park to startling random strangers... AND nothing beats the feeling of freedom in sandals from completing a speedy track workout to mountain ultras. As long as I keep my toenails painted a pretty color, my feet are low maintenance.

Briefly Tell Us About Yourself: When I'm not working as a therapeutic massage therapist out of a rehab facility, you will find me kicking up asphalt and dirt (or sometimes snow) on the roads or the back country of Spokane, spending time with friends and family, working at my church, and eating unreasonable amounts of peanut butter. I am also a culinary arts graduate (hence my mature taste for peanut butter) and have worked in the industry for a handful of years... specializing in (you guessed it) all things peanut butter. Just kidding. Sorta.  

What Accomplishments Are You Most Proud of: I'm most proud of becoming part of this wonderful community. I race both road and trail, and love meeting all the people who gather at these events. I have come very far the last 5 years, and am so thankful for the amount of love and support I've received!

Favorite LUNA Model: This changes on a weekly basis... And depending on the surface I'm hanging out on. I'm digging the Gordos right now (I feel like I'm at a spa with that extra cushion), but I usually always fall back on the Monos because of their versatility in both road and trail.

Who are Your Heroes: I'm going to give the cliche answer and say my parents. They've always fully supported in my weird and crazy dreams, unconditionally loved me, and taught me to be the person I am today.


