Eric Johnson
Where are you from?
Sonoma, Ca
Where do you currently live?
Red Bluff, Ca
What are your favorite activities to do in LUNAs?
I like my Lunas on anything that is runnable but I do have a preference for the trail particularly silky smooth singletrack. I also enjoy just wearing them leisurely wherever I go daily.
Briefly tell us about yourself:
I am a husband, father of 3, with 2 grandchildren and I am retired having served 31 years in the Fire Service all with CALFIRE.
What are some accomplishments you're most proud of?
The accomplishments I am most proud of is watching my children transition successfully into adulthood and being able to share that with my wife of 27 years.
What are your goals for the year?
This will be the first summer in over 3 decades that I won’t be fighting fire and the the first year that Rebecca and I will be “empty nesters”. So our goal is to spend as much time as possible going from place to place as random as we want to be.
What is your race/event schedule for the year/season?
My race schedule continually evolves and usually don't schedule too many races too far in advance and make alot of race commitments at the last minute but here is what have so far through May 2016.
What's your favorite LUNA model and why?
Leadville Gordo. The outsole is pretty grippy and there is great underfoot protection. After the initial break-in, the foot bed is very comfortable and tactile. High mileage, good bang for the buck.
Who are your heroes?
I don’t necessarily have heroes but the people that have provided the most inspiration to me is my parents. Successful in life and love with a marriage lasting 62 years.