Luna Sandals Moved To

Majo Srnik


Majo Srnik

Where are you from?


Where do you currently live?


What are your favorite activities to do in LUNAs?

From early spring into late fall Basically everything is connected with LUNA Sandals but I absolutely love pushing the limits and running in high alpine terrain in Lunas !

Briefly tell us about yourself:

Born 1978 in formal Czechoslovakia

Rock climbing has been a tradition in my family. Eventually I started climbing big walls, ice climbing and hiking in the winter on skis. From lack of time and running being such a simple sport, I fell in love with mountain running in Canada. Running is so beautiful and not gear oriented. The beauty of running is the simplicity, where you don't need much, you can literally run barefoot out your front door if you feel like. Now my focus is running and racing in ultra distances usually longer seems better…

What are some accomplishments you're most proud of?

2 place Lost Souls 100M

2 place Blackspur Ultra 100K

3 place Badwater Salton Sea

5 place Jungle Ultra - Peru


What are your goals for the year?

Definitely staying healthy so I can enjoy Canadian Rockies on daily basis running happy and long all year along with main focus on Lake Tahoe 200M in September

What is your race/event schedule for the year/season?

I leave this open not big plans for this season definitely will jump into some races more like good quality training but my main focus is on Tahoe

What's your favorite LUNA model and why?

Road running & everyday use Mono - great sandals very simple and comfortable

For technical trails or ultra distance Gordo - still light enough and flexible but with little more extra protection in such rough terrain!

Who are your heroes?

Everyone who is dreaming big and following the dreams, Also I have huge respect for people who crossing the finish line last ones! They are fighters and I like that!

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Majo Srnik




Majo Srnik


Majo Srnik